Flanšasyra sutrumpintas kaip flanšas, kuris yra tik bendras terminas. Paprastai tai reiškia, kad aplink disko tipo metalinio korpuso periferiją yra padarytos kelios tvirtinimo skylės, skirtos kitiems daiktams sujungti. Šis dalykas yra plačiai naudojamas mechaniškai, todėl atrodo keistai, kol jis vadinamas aflanšas, jo pavadinimas kildinamas iš anglų kalbos.
Flanšas is also called flanšas or flanšas. The parts connecting the pipe and the pipe are connected to the pipe end. There are holes in the flanšas, and the bolts tightly connect the two flanšass. The flanšass are sealed with gaskets. Flanšas is a disc-shaped part, the most common in pipeline engineering, flanšass are used in pairs. In pipeline engineering, flanšass are mainly used for connection of pipelines. At the end of the two pipes that need to be connected, install a flanšas each. Low-pressure pipes can use wire flanšass, and welding flanšass for pressures above 4 kg. Add a gasket between the two flanšass, and then tighten with bolts.
Skirtingas slėgis flanšasyra skirtingo storio ir naudoja skirtingus varžtus.
Kai vandens siurblys ir vožtuvas prijungiami prie vamzdyno, kai kurios šių įrenginių dalys taip pat yra pagamintos į atitinkamasflanšas shapes, also called flanšas connection.
Any connecting parts that are bolted on both sides and closed at the same time are generally called "flanšass". For example, the connection of ventilation pipes, this type of parts can be called "flanšas parts".
Sriegisflanšas is a kind of flanšas. The connection structure of the threaded flanšas is a combination, which is composed of a pair of flanšass, a number of bolts, nuts and a gasket.